If you are faced with the need to overcome the cancer disease, the decision to go for the treatment in Israel is the correct and rational solution, because our specialists of the leading clinics have the longstanding experience in dealing with this kind of disease. They use the most modern equipment and advanced technologies. Responding to a question, what prices are established on cancer treatment in Israel, it is important to note that all depends on the complexity of the disease and the number of procedures, which are required for recovery. But in any case it is worth remembering that the earlier the disease is diagnosed, the faster and cheaper the treatment will be.
Also the cost of cancer treatment in Israel will directly depend on the hospitals where the treatment is organized, and not in all cases, it depends on the quality of the treatment. For example, some of the procedures in private clinics are cheaper than in public hospitals, and the realization conditions are much more comfortable. In addition, the prices of cancer treatment in Israel will depend on the professionals who put on the therapy, on their qualifications, experience and reputation. Another factor that determines the price of cancer treatment in Israel is shekel rate against the USD rate.
First of all, the person who wants to undergo cancer treatment in Israel should go for cancer investigation. It can be divided into three different kinds, and the prices will depend on the results of the researches. The first type is the initial examination, and at the end of it the final diagnosis is found. Typically, such testing costs from $ 4,000 to $ 5,000, in some cases, the price can reach $ 10,000. Of course, the diagnostics is included in the total costs of cancer treatment in Israel.
The second type of the examination - this is when the diagnosis was made earlier, the patient was treated outside Israel, and now he needs test survey, which may show the results at the moment. Also the second type is used in the case when the disease recurrent was detected and the patient wants to undergo the treatment in Israel. In this case the prices of cancer treatment in Israel can range from $ 3,700 to $ 4,100.
And the last kind of the examination, usually carried out at the 4th stage of cancer, if the patient is currently prescribed chemotherapy or immunotherapy, and he needs to evaluate dynamics of the treatment. Then the price of cancer treatment in Israel will be about $ 2,500 - $ 3,000.
In this case, when all the necessary researches have been conducted and the diagnosis is made, the experts must identify the methods which are the most appropriate to deal with the disease. Then the cost of cancer treatment in Israel will be more intelligible.
Naturally, certain types of cancer have different deviances, and the price can arise or fall.
The prices in USD for some diagnostic procedures:
- PET-CT $ 1,500 - 2,200;
- MRI of one segment $ 1,200 - 1,500;
- CT of one segment $ 450-700;
- Ultrasound investigation $ 240-330;
- Ultrasound and consultation of the professor $ 600-850 (gynecology, endocrinology);
- FNA biopsy under ultrasound control, biopsy during gastroscopy, colonoscopy - $ 900 - 2,000;
- Biopsy TRU CUT, under CT, MRI, bronchoscopy control, endo-ultrasound - $ 1,850 - 3,500;
- Surgical biopsy (performed in the cases of lymphomas or in failing to obtain the material in another way) $ 6,000-15,000.
The cost of some operations
In some cases, the treatment of cancer is impossible without surgical intervention. In this case, the prices for the treatment of oncology in Israel will depend on the complexity of the operation and its conditions. For example, when basal cell carcinoma, cervical cancer, melanoma, the price will be $ 10,000.
Then, there are following prices for different types of surgeries:
- Breast surgery, thyroid gland surgery, the initial stage of gynecologic oncology, the initial stage of bladder cancer, melanoma, testicular cancer, the initial stage of prostate cancer - $ 10,000 - $ 20,000;
- Lung cancer, stomach cancer, bowel cancer, esophageal cancer, tongue cancer, larynx cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer (mastectomy) with reconstruction - $ 20,000 - $ 30,000;
- Brain tumor, spinal medulla tumor, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer with the da Vinci robot, bladder cancer with reconstruction, esophageal cancer, rectal cancer, soft tissue sarcoma, cancer of bone (primary) - $ 30,000 - $ 40,000;
- Brain tumors, pancreatic cancer, soft tissue sarcoma, cancer of bone (primary) - $ 40,000 - $ 50,000;
- Pancreatic cancer, surgery using internal Chemotherapy (often with abdominal cavity mesothelioma). Surgery operations are done at advanced stage. These diseases are of high complexity, and the prices for such cancer treatment are more than $ 50,000.
However, the exact cost of cancer treatment in Israel cannot be determined because it depends on the clinic, the specialists and the specifications of the operation.
As for the chemotherapy course, here the cost will depend mainly on the drugs that are used in this case. For example, the daily course of chemotherapy is worth $ 1,500 - $ 5,500. As for the course of immunotherapy, its price can vary from $ 4,000 to $ 15,000. One session of radiation therapy will cost $ 180 - $ 220.
If you need the consultation, our best specialists are ready to help you. For example, the cost of oncologist consultation will be about $ 500 - $ 1,000 and surgeon cancer consultation will cost $ 400 - $ 800.
As you can see, the prices may be completely different, because it depends on many factors. It is worth remembering that the earlier you think about your health, the earlier you diagnose the disease, and the more attention you pay to it, the greater chance will be to get the successful treatment, and the lower the cost of services will be. It is important to select the right professionals that can help you and do everything for you quickly, safely and efficiently, using the best technologies.
In any case, to obtain the more accurate cost of cancer treatment in Israel, you may refer to our section of international tourism. Within 12-24 hours you will be given a plan of the investigation and the treatment of cancer in Israel including its cost.